Stopping the Surge in Solicitations After Applying for a Loan

  Have you ever wondered why your phone starts incessantly ringing after you’ve applied for a mortgage loan? The answer lies in the world of credit bureaus, data sharing, and the evolving landscape of technology. We’ve teamed up with Mark Maimon (NMLS ID #3550), a seasoned mortgage loan officer with decades of experience, to shed […]

TransUnion Data Breach Latest Updates

T-Mobile Data Breach: 40M social security numbers exposed

Weeks ago another major credit bureau was hacked — TransUnion LLC reported a data breach with the Massachusetts Attorney General after information in the company’s possession was subject to unauthorized access.

After a series of Data Breaches among big corporations, you know more than ever that Your Mobile Phone Could Expose Your Crypto Assets to Cybercrime

cryptocurrency protection

Nowadays, our mobile phones are never further than an arm’s reach away. And they contain volumes of personal and financial information that, in the wrong hands, could compromise your safety and security.  If you’ve invested in cryptocurrency, you’re at risk of becoming the target of cybercrime — and what’s more, cybercriminals can take over your […]