You probably haven’t put much thought into credit. It’s not something you learned at school or at home. But understanding how to manage credit can help you obtain optimal interest rates, increase your spending power and safeguard your identity.
To dispel any myths and build a rare knowledge set, we at Regal Credit Management are offering your institution an invaluable seminar on everything you need to know about managing your credit properly.
Together we discuss how credit management can save you thousands of dollars during a 1-hour live instruction course. We’ll discuss:
- Creating the perfect credit profile and why even the smallest things can have a huge impact when securing a loan.
- Your FICO score: How it’s calculated & where to get the real score
- Why collections are among the most misunderstood aspects of a credit report and how paying them can be the worst strategy.
- Credit Scoring Secrets & Myths Explained.
- Discussion around the ideal number of credit cards to have open and proper percentages to put on those cards.
- Protecting yourself from identity theft—the fastest growing crime in the country.
Regal Credit Management is one of the largest credit management companies in the U.S. Every staff member has advanced FICO® certification and a deft understanding of credit management. We’ve helped countless high net worth individuals—from pro-athletes to celebrities—build, protect, and manage strong credit. Our CEO has given Forbes-worthy advice on credit protection. He’s spoken on credit management alongside Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, to Harvard students about financial literacy, and NFL athletes on credit management and protection.