MANAGE - Cyber Sweep
Monitor and control your digital footprint with Cyber Sweep.

Remove credit and identity management from your to-do list and let the experts actively monitor your large (and growing) digital footprint. RCM’s ongoing monitoring and “clean up” services help you take control of your online data presence and identity now, and gives you confidence in its future safety.

Why Regal?

  • You stay proactively informed with greater visibility into your own data and who has access to it.
  • We’ll know and act immediately if any data breaches have occurred that could affect you and your credit.
  • Enjoy peace of mind knowing your personal information is safe from cyber criminals and other bad actors.


Gather details from over 400 data brokers, social media sites, and people search engines, along with any data breaches that may have resulted in selling or misusing personal data.

Analyze and evaluate the individual’s data online and determine where personal information is stored.

Develop and present identity theft protection solutions, including removal of information from unauthorized sites.

Implement solutions and conduct constant sweeps to ensure no new exposure.

Quarterly reports provide ongoing detail about data removal actions.

Get in Touch

Tell us about your credit management and identity theft protection needs, and we’ll tell you how we can help!